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Breathing into the New Year: Wellness Workshop with Tirrell

Wellness Coach Tirrell Cherry will lead Holy Family Day Home parents in a free 90-minute virtual workshop focused on breathing and meditation. Parents will learn how to get out of their worry state through breathing/meditation techniques so that they can activate the relaxed state and begin responding to their environment instead of reacting. Tirrell will discuss the Parasympathetic Nervous System and guide participants through a brief breathing/meditation exercise so that they can experience the benefits.

Please speak to a staff member at HFDH’s front desk if you require technical support to participate in this workshop.

In this workshop, I take you through my three-step process that begins with your goals — what you want to accomplish relative to where you are — and ends with strategies for how to begin integrating what you’ve learned into your life.
— Tirrell Cherry, Wellness Coach

Zoom Information

Topic: Breathing into the New Year

Time: Dec 11, 2020 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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