Ways to Give
Donate online
Click here to make a credit card donation online
Donate by mail
Please make checks payable to Holy Family Day Home and send to:
Holy Family Day Home
Attn: Development
299 Dolores Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Donate over the phone
To make a credit card donation over the phone, please contact us during regular office hours at 415-565-0504 x 203
Make a Pledge
Multi-year pledges, made on an annual or monthly basis, provide a blanket of fiscal security as we plan educational and family programs each year.
Endowment Fund
Interested in joining our Virginia Fair Legacy society? Please schedule a call with our Development team.
In-Kind Donations
To arrange a donation, please contact Emilie Struthers, Community Outreach Manager or 415-565-0504 x 203
Workplace giving
Designate Holy Family Day Home in your workplace giving campaign. Contact your Human Resources department and ask if they have a giving program that you can set up.
Gift Planning
For information about donating by will or trust, please contact our Development team.
The Day Home will not be accepting unscheduled drop-offs or donations of clothing, toys, books, or household items due to COVID-19 safety precautions. Our focus is currently on providing essential care items to our families, such as diapers, wipes and oral hygiene supplies.