Holy Family Day Home is excited to share an opportunity from one of our program funders, the Warriors Community Foundation:
In collaboration with the Golden State Warriors and Chase, Black Joy Parade presents a Joy of Movement on Saturday, February 27thfrom 8:00am – 5:00pm. This will be a day of health and wealth led by all Black instructors. Experience joy through movement with free classes led by more than a dozen Black experts. Hosted by Gregorio Vincent of Black Joy Parade and featuring classes throughout the day including meditation, yoga, dance, capoeira and more (full schedule listed on Eventbrite). Join bright and early for 9 hours of joy or drop in at any time for just a session or two.
Attendees will be randomly selected throughout the day to win prizes that bring even more joy to the experience.
We encourage you to join and share with your organization and register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/joy-of-movement-tickets-141208946761