
Our Approach 

Holy Family Day Home (HFDH) is a play-based child development center that focuses on the needs of the whole child. Starting in 2016, the educational program began an in-depth study of the Reggio Emilia Approach. It is our belief that children’s self-esteem is based on pride in their culture, appreciation of their feelings, the celebration of their uniqueness, and experiences with success. We also believe that the family is the primary influence on the child’s growth and development. It is essential that the families and staff of the Day Home work together as a team. It is through this home-school partnership that we will be able to help each child reach his or her full potential. 

The Day Home seeks to provide opportunities for families to become more involved in all aspects of their child’s development. Regular family meetings include open houses, conferences, educational workshops, and events. Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to attend these meetings, as it is essential for them to know about their child’s ongoing development as well as their child’s daily activities. The Day Home cannot replace a  family’s love and attention. Rather, we seek to be partners in your child’s growth and development. This commitment to both children and their families is at the core of the Day Home’s philosophy of seeing and caring for the child in his or her total environment.

Educational Philosophy

Holy Family Day Home recognizes that early childhood education is the crucial foundation for life. The Day Home prepares children for life and to have a love of learning— not just for Kindergarten. The Day Home creates, fosters, and promotes an educational philosophy dedicated to reaching the inner spirit of each child through experiences in dance, music, visual arts, nature, literature, and drama.  Holy Family Day Home believes that play is  “the work” of children and is an essential part of growth and expression. It is through play that children learn. We understand and appreciate each child as an individual and encourage cooperation and sharing. We facilitate and foster problem solving and patience through independent thinking. We believe it is essential to provide non-sexist and multi-ethnic images and literature while avoiding stereotypical judgments and aspirations. We encourage love and respect for other life forms that share our earth and promote practices that conserve our planet’s natural resources.


The Reggio Approach

At The Day Home, we are inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach. The Reggio Approach can look different for each age group. The Reggio values and principles that resonate most with The Day Home are the following: 

  1. Materials- Materials are used in a way so children can create many languages.

  2. Parent participation- Parents are engaged in the daily life of the school

  3. The Element of Time- Time is allowed for children to explore materials until they are done or “mastered”.

  4. Emergent Curriculum-Curriculum is developed from the children’s interests and questions.

Educational Goals and Objectives

Our goal is that each child will grow to his/her fullest capacity — physically, socially, cognitively, emotionally, and creatively. Our specific growth objectives are to promote:


Physical development

  • Through activities that enhance gross and fine motor skills

  • By providing health and safety education

  • By offering health screening and services

  • By providing nutritionally sound meals and snacks 


Social Development

  • Through interaction with peers and caring adults outside the home

  • By providing field trips and exposure to new situations

  • By creating a learning environment that promotes self-worth and encourages self-reliance

  • Through the celebration of diversity and the appreciation of individual differences


Cognitive Development

  • By providing developmentally appropriate language, math, science, and small motor activities

  • By using challenging and stimulating toys and games

  • Through the encouragement of natural curiosity